Within Hinduism's early traditions, seven-colored spheres within our bodies known as chakras control our energy. With unblocked chakras, the flow becomes unimpeded, leading to better health and vitality. Through the process of meditation, I have envisioned the embroidery series of "Spinning Chakras." The chakras flanked by Nadis (channels of energy) spin in different directions. Operating like magnetic pull Nadis, Ida and Pingala, ascend and descend in a spiral pattern causing the chakras' rotation while Sushumna travels up the center. The Nadis of Ida and Pingala, represented as two snakes, wind their way up to the crown chakra. This process is a kundalini awakening, considered a spiritual breakthrough. Interestingly, the representation of the chakra system is the basis for the medical symbol of the caduceus. This collection is collection is currently under production. Framed 10" x 10" on silk. $350.00 each


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